Hi For those who joined the Zoom presentation I did on Karma and Reincarnation, here is the recording from the 9th April session. It is loaded on the Rajayogaonline site. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find it. Much love and best wishes Om shanti Karma and reincarnation presentation … [Read more...]
Power of Beliefs Part 1 pdf 24th November http://improvefast.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Handout-for-Part-1-Power-of-your-beliefs-Nov-2020.pdf Hi, for those who joined the Power of Self Belief course, here is the pdf of the first session. Enjoy :-) And here is the pdf for session 2 … [Read more...]
lovely video meditation
How to be Happy – The Inside Story
"Happiness, happiness, the greatest gift that I possess." That's the opening line from Ken Dodd's song 'Happiness'. And don't you think that it really is true...that happiness is the greatest or at least one of the greatest gifts we can possess. But happiness is not something that you can really 'get' or even 'create' in the normal sense. It is something that you emerge from inside your self. You have it already and in the words of Ken Dodd, you have to 'tickle happiness out' you can't put it … [Read more...]
Jump Start Your Metabolism
In a bid to lose weight or get back into shape many people try to simply reduce their amount of food intake. Although this can be beneficial, especially if you are someone who is prone to eating a lot, there are other factors to take into account. The reason why I entitled this post as 'Jump start your metabolism' is because by getting your metabolism working at an optimum rate, it is much easier to lose weight and more importantly keep it off. Most diet plans show you how to lose weight but … [Read more...]
How to Eliminate the Fears that Drain Your Power
It is no small thing to eliminate the fears that drain your power. However, as there are people who have managed to rid themselves of these fears, it proves that it is indeed possible. Fear is such a disabling emotion. Fear stops you from doing all the good and great things that you are capable of. Although there are several types of fear some of the principle ones are fear of success, fear of failure, fear of people, fear of change and then there are phobias of so many kinds. In fact the … [Read more...]
Respect Your Decisions
To respect your decisions is a simple, powerful yet very under used quality of a person. It is a very rare person who fully respects all his or her decisions. In fact the majority of people make decisions 'on the fly' without really considering whether those decisions are really needed, whether they are correct or even if they are possible to accomplish. Imagine for a moment how you would feel and how you would live if you were able to respect your decisions. How focused would your mind be if … [Read more...]
4 Hour Blogathon about to start
I am joining Dr Mani and others in a 4 hour blogathon in order to raise $50,000 for children with heart disorders. My part is to blog for four hours to help in its promotion. My topic is one close to my heart and that is Positive Thinking. I understand that Dr Mani is doing hid theme on Happiness, so we are on the same mind set. I'm set to start at 2.00am UK time. I live in the UK and that is the only time I will get to fullfill my 4 hours. Yes, I will need positive thinking to get up at … [Read more...]