How you can stay motivated to achieve anything is one of the prime secrets of success. If you are able remain motivated in whatever tasks or projects that you undertake then success will become your shadow…it will follow closely behind whatever you do. If you observe the characteristics of virtually all successful people then you will notice that they have this one thing in common: they are able to remain motivated despite serious set backs and difficulties.
In order to stay motivated to achieve anything you want there are two main aspects that need your attention. One is to keep in mind what motivates you and the other is to protect your self from the things that de-motivate you. As the story goes, there is little point in rowing a boat like mad if you have not removed the rope anchoring that boat to the shore. You’re simply not going to get anywhere!
The chief causes for lack of motivation are: impotent goals (you don’t fully believe in the value of what you are doing), too many projects going on at the same time so that you feel overwhelmed by them all and lack of a disciplined approach. This is by no means the full list but these are very powerful causes for keeping you stuck, so it is essential to deal with these.
To stay motivated to achieve anything you need to keep the purpose which motivated you in the first place uppermost in your mind. Whatever you’re aiming to achieve, by keeping that in your vision it will continually be inspiring you to keep going. If it does not then double check your reasons for starting the project in the first place!
Create a strategy based on your purpose so that you have a whole ‘game plan’ set out. This provides clarity and thus eliminates vagueness which is an enemy of motivation. The next special ingredient is an action plan that will need to be broken down into manageable chunks. In a practical sense this means to have a yearly plan, monthly plan ,weekly plan and finally a daily plan which is usually referred to as a ’to do list’. By creating a plan of action you will immediately know what you have to do and by when. This will save you a huge amount of time. Wasting time is a powerful de-motivator but effective use of time keeps you energized and therefore you can stay motivated to achieve anything.
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